So... WHERE am I?!?!

Seriously.  Since I decided to actually take on off season this year, for the first time ever, so I would be able to recover from the hole I was in at the end of the season, I decided to throw a million other things on my plate - yay me!

Not really yay.  Basically I'm making a perfect example of things NOT to do if you're trying to recover from putting your mind and body through the ringer.

For the 2nd time since July, I moved. Woof.  Not only that, I changed jobs, replacing the old with 2 new ones.  Of course these changes are for the better and will be paying off.  Soon. I hope.  Of course they will. In the meantime, I'm still pretty tired.  Needless to say, I haven't been keeping up on writing, posting or communicating with anyone.  For that, I'm sorry.  That doesn't mean I don't care or have forgotten how grateful I am to be surrounded by so many unbelievably incredible people.  My heart could burst I'm so grateful!

In brief, I've decided to take a break from personal training at the gym.  For work, I'm waiting tables at 2 of Wenatchee's finest, Lulu's Kitchen and McGlinn's Public House - come see me :)

You can also still find me coaching runners and triathletes over at

More to come, so stay tuned.  I've learned a lot of lessons through these changes that I look forward to sharing with you!

Much love - 
